The Sultan and The Saint Movie
The Sultan and the Saint Movie Screening followed by Small Group Discussion
Sunday, October 6, 2019 2:00 p.m.
St. Matthew Lutheran Church: 10390 SW Canyon Road, Beaverton, OR 97005
In divisive times, exceptional people reach out to each other. You are cordially invited to a free screening of The Sultan and the Saint, a feature film narrated by Jeremy Irons, that tells the story of St. Francis of Assisi and Muhammad Al-Kamil, the Sultan of Egypt, who managed to meet face-to-face during the Crusades. This all-but-forgotten story has implications for our world today. St. Matthew Lutheran Church is hosting the event, which will include refreshments and an opportunity for small group discussion. The program is also sponsored by MET and the Institute for Christian Muslim Understanding. Read more about the film here: https://www.sultanandthesaintfilm.com/about-the-film/