MET Award/Auction/Appreciation Night

Annually, MET recognizes dedicated volunteers for their positive spirit and contributions to MET and the community at large. Come and join us recognizing and celebrate community while enjoying this year's One-of-a-kind Auction Night.
All auction proceeds will benefit MET's Civic Engagement Programs.
Featuring hundreds of new and unique items that are hard to find anywhere else!
Our Keynote Speaker
Todd Green Associate professor of religion, Luther College
Green's research focuses on Islamophobia in the United States and Europe. His first book on the topic, The Fear of Islam: An introduction to Islamophobia in the West, was cited this past year in an amicus curiae brief field in the U.S. Supreme Court by the NAACP, the National Urban League, and other civil rights organizations. Green's most recent book is Presumed Guilty: Why We Shouldn't Ask Muslims to Condemn Terrorism. The Book argues that asking Muslims to condemn terrorist attacks is a distraction that prevents majority populations in the United States and Europe both from facing their own violent histories and from asking critical questions a bout how their countries' national security initiatives and foreign policies contribute to a violent world order.